Our Partners

OpenSky is a project that could not exist without its feeders, comprising private enthusiasts as well as volunteer supporters from industry, academia, and government. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions! If your company or institution wants to become a partner of the OpenSky Network, you can support us e.g. by feeding, sponsoring a receiver or helping us improve our network with your expertise. In return, you can work together closely with our researchers and developers and directly benefit from our knowledge and experts network. If you are supporting the OpenSky Network by feeding or through volunteer time but the logo of your organization is missing, please contact us.

armasuisse Fachhochschule Bern CWI Amsterdam Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Eurecom IDSIA IMDEA Networks Institute SeRo Systems GmbH
CISAR Trieste Trivadis AG University of Oxford University of Ljubljana
NLR University of Padova KU Leuven Skysquitter 
TU Kaiserslautern jetvision.de TU Braunschweig (Institut für Flugführung) ONERA
TU Delft TU Wien  alt=