The OpenSky Network proudly provides the following services to its contributors and collaborators. However, as a non-profit organization, we cannot give any guarantees. Our data comes from a broad community using different hardware of diverse quality. In particular, we cannot guarantee a certain availability, coverage, or data quality and completeness. To use our services, you need a valid OpenSky Network account. Please also refer to our Terms of Use for more information.
We have an API, write your own app!
We want to give something back to our contributors! We provide an API which is easy to use and compatible with almost any programming languages. There are bindings e.g. for Java and Python available and it's all open-source. You can use the API for everything which is within our terms of use. For more information, refer to the API documentation and the sources on github. If you need assistance or find some missing feature or bug, we strongly recommend to use our user forum in order to let us know.
We share our raw data!
Sharing is caring and the OpenSky Network is serving as a valuable data source for researchers, professionals, and hobbyists since 2012. We are also happy to provide data for your project. Currently, we can provide raw data as it comes from our sensors and one level of abstraction, so called state vectors (SV). Each SV contains the 3D position, velocity, and heading information for each airplane and each second. If you are interested in our raw unfiltered data, we strongly recommend to have a look at the 5 minutes sample on our github account first. There are also examples on how to process the raw data. If you need more data, do not hesitate to contact us.
Build your own radar!
The web front-end of the OpenSky Network allows you to manage all of your Mode S/ADS-B sensors. It provides you a comprehensible overview of status, load, and many other statistics around your receivers. In addition, we give you permanent graphical feedback on the area covered by each of your receivers as well as a joint live picture of the airspace covered by your receivers. You can find this service in the main menu under My Opensky->My Sensors. If you miss any information, we are happy to receive feedback and feature requests. Also, depending on the hardware you are using, we will add additional settings concerning your sensor such as turning monitoring full Mode S on or off.
Feed your network!
As our name suggests, our philosophy is to open the sky to everyone. If you run your own network or monitoring project and if you want to add the coverage of our network, we are looking forward to hear from you. As long as it doesn't exceed our resources, we are generally open to exchanging data with other similar projects and we are happy to work on a solution for that with you.