I was extracting data from Impala using this query:
SELECT * FROM state_vectors_data4 WHERE hour >= 1644224400 and hour <= 1644228000 AND onground=false AND NOT time IS NULL AND MOD(time, 300) <= 5 AND NOT (icao24 IS NULL OR lat IS NULL OR lon IS NULL OR velocity IS NULL OR heading IS NULL OR vertrate IS NULL OR baroaltitude IS NULL OR lastposupdate IS NULL);
I got the following error message:WARNINGS: Disk I/O error: Failed to open HDFS file hdfs://nameservice1/user/opensky/tables_v4/state_vectors/hour=1644224400/part-r-00169-e7f28a8a-dba5-441c-be22-0d0ded5a156c.snappy.parquetError(2): No such file or directoryRoot cause: RemoteException: File does not exist: /user/opensky/tables_v4/state_vectors/hour=1644224400/part-r-00169-e7f28a8a-dba5-441c-be22-0d0ded5a156c.snappy.parquet