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Flight departures - Filter by UK/Eu destination

4 years 7 months ago #1193 by Virtalis
Hi All,
Due to covid, I'm stuck in the USA and my flights back to the UK keep getting cancelled. What I would like to do is run a query that shows flights from specific airports and return only those that are international (uk/europe) and ideally passenger airlines only.

Is this possible? or is there an easy way to filter the response with values returned?
Based on non-us citizens not being allowed in at the moment, I'm not sure how many flights will be running until the borders are re-opened and whilst they keep advertising flights, I suspect that its just a good way of taking out a short term loan from their customers. Buy your ticket, 3 weeks later it gets cancelled, here's your credit or when pressed your refund will be processed in 8-12 weeks. I'm just trying to get a good idea as to who is actually flying the routes if at all?

Any suggestions would be great.

4 years 7 months ago #1194 by strohmeier
Hi Tim,

This all goes significantly beyond ADS-B data. We don't track any commercial information such as delays, cancellations etc. Maybe somebody in the community has an idea. Re: filtering, you will need to develop that yourself, for the same reason, there is simply no flag for commercial flights, you will need to derive things from callsigns or bring in external data sources.
4 years 7 months ago #1195 by Virtalis
Thanks, I wasn't really after cancellations but more the flights that were actually flying so I could start trying to work out the best option for booking my flight home.
I can pick up the departures for the day and can link the callsign to planes etc but would need to do some manual work to cross reference.
I thought it was probably more info than was available.
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #1196 by jluebbe
I don't have a ready to use solution but maybe a starting point for your own development:


There are some methods to use the publicly available VRS flight routes database and to perform searches on it. E.g. 50km around London, 25km around the Isles of Scilly and not more than one stop. Based on these procedures, you may identify the callsigns of interesting flights. Finally, you may check if these interesting callsigns appear in the flight states observed by OpenSky Network.
4 years 7 months ago #1198 by Virtalis
I think I've just been trying to make this more complex than I need.

I can just search by arrivals and in excel, just sort and filter by departure airport. I can then cross reference the icao to get the airframe info. to see if its a passenger jet.

Not 100% but will give me a pretty good idea of which airline and route to book.
Thanks all for input :)
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