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Track by Aircraft - How to replace it ?

4 years 6 months ago #1201 by BastienBellariva

I would like to get many aircraft trajectories for doing analyses.
For that, i tried to use the REST Api especially "Track by Aircraft".

After a lot of tests, i read on the forum :
"The tracks endpoint has been deactivated a while ago, it needs a complete overhaul as it wasn't working as intended. For most research purposes the flights endpoint should do!"

What is "flights endpoint" ?
And, is there a way to retrieve aircraft trajectories through the API ?

Thanks for your time. :)
4 years 6 months ago #1204 by strohmeier
Well, there are two end points/options currently (described in the forum somewhere):
1. Get (live) state vectors and do whatevver you want with them (including the creation of some sort of tracks).
2. Get historical flights (i.e., past tracks), which are calculated nightly. Not live obviously.
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