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OpenSky API keeps returning 502 Bad Gateway

3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #1554 by MmBaguette
I don't have to run any code to explain my issue. I'm trying to visit the main api endpoint , and it keeps returning this on my browser. I'm logged in, and I can't see the aircraft on the OpenSky explorer. This is not the first time that this has happened, like yesterday.
502 Bad Gateway
3 years 7 months ago #1555 by andregr
It seems like there's an issue with the entire service - the API doesn't work, the explorer doesn't show any data and I cannot send an Impala Shell application (We apologize for the inconvenience, there was a problem handling your request. Please try again later.). I hope this gets addressed soon.
3 years 7 months ago #1556 by MmBaguette
Hi andregr, do you know if this is a common issue for the OpenSky Network? I'm relatively new here, and I can't find any alerts that their service is down.
3 years 7 months ago #1558 by strohmeier
There seems to be unusually high load today. Overall, all our services are best effort, so this can happen from time to time. We are migrating and expanding our infrastructure this year but this will take time. We are a volunteer-run non-profit after all.
3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #1559 by MmBaguette
Thank you for your quick response. I'm very thankful for an incredible non-profit to be able to share all this data to programmers. However, this issue has appeared everyday since I began using the OpenSky Network. I cannot work on my program without it. Have you considered adding a request cooldown for all users in order to prevent this issue in the future, like a single second? Thanks again.

Edit: I just realized that this API works wonders when you use cookies. Otherwise, my request times out. What cookies do I need?
3 years 7 months ago #1562 by netimu
I am new to the api and I am facing the exact same issue, only I haven't had any success. Does anyone have any advice on where to start from?
3 years 7 months ago #1563 by jbroutier

Same thing here, HTTP 502 in a loop. The whole service seems to be down today.

For some time the API has become extremely slow in the afternoon (~ 14/15h UTC+2), with requests failing most of the time.
3 years 7 months ago #1564 by MmBaguette
Hi, I’ve grown frustrated of this API, so I decided to switch to a different one instead.
3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #1572 by w3sz
I can confirm that the API has started returning 502 Bad Gateway or rarely 504 Gateway Timeout when the API is used from browsers on multiple devices (both Windows 10 OS computers and Android phones (the latter both when phone is using wireless and when using cellular data to access the internet)) from several different LANs.  The API also now gives the same result when accessed from a C# application that has been working for years.  Today the C# app was tested on several different Windows 10 machines at several different physical locations on different LANs all with the same error.

I cannot tell you exactly when this problem started.  The API was working fine at all of our locations as recently as 7-23.  Today an off-site user told me that the API was not working for him and when I went to verify his report I discovered the above.  So somewhere in the interval between 7-23 and today things went awry.

The C# app also has the option of using other internet plane servers and when a non-opensky server is selected, the app still performs normally.  

So whether the API is accessed via a web browser or via a C# app, at multiple sites there are 502 errors obtained with no plane data returned from the opensky network, with this problem developing here some time between July 23 and today.

Additional data:
ping opensky-network.org

Pinging opensky-network.org [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
3 years 7 months ago #1573 by MmBaguette
Try the Flightradar24 API, but you can’t use it commercially, unless a purchase a business subscription or license.
3 years 7 months ago #1574 by MmBaguette
It doesn’t matter what programming language or platform the issue appears on. An API simply sends a request to a server just like a browser, and all programs using the OpenSky network no matter their programming language will face the same issue. If you’re super desperate for your project, then consider using a subscription service API. I love OpenSky Network but sadly it doesn’t work
3 years 7 months ago #1575 by w3sz
Of course, the listing of multiple locations and platforms was done in order to enable the reader to know that the problem being described was not a problem that was due to a location-specific or platform-specific problem. I am sure that the administrator will understand that, and it was to the administrator that the message was directed. My apologies if it confused you.
3 years 4 months ago #1661 by strohmeier
If people haven't noticed, we finally were able to make the necessary improvements. We see a two-order of magintudes faster response time in our backend. Let us know how it works for you.
2 years 9 months ago #1957 by 22006294
I am a new user on Open Sky and has been getting 502 Bad Gateway response on API since yesterday. It is on all kind of requests (time interval, arrival departure etc). While doing the internet search, i found this forum. Although it is few months old but i hope it is still relevant and somebody can confirm if he/she is also getting these errors or is it just me. Also. any idea when or how to fix it.

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