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aircraft flight history dup entry with zero info

6 years 1 month ago #627 by danmilon
The flight history for aircraft 477ff2 has an empty entry, that gives a 404 when selected.

They last two entries have the same start/end timestamps. Obviously there's something wrong in the database entries, but I can't check that. What I noticed on the frontend is that the history entry that works generates an API request to "api/tracks/?icao24=477ff2&time=1546534054" (correct start time), but the one that gives the 404 makes a call to "api/tracks/?icao24=477ff2&time=1546534070" (time is the _end_ time, not start).

Is what I'm trying to describe clear?
Attached is a screenshot with the current flight history.

Thank you.
6 years 1 month ago #630 by schaefer
Thanks for the report. We've noticed this bug, too. It's probably related with flights overlapping our historical and live data processing. The problem should disappear after a couple of hours as data gets post-processed.

6 years 1 month ago #631 by danmilon
Indeed, this is what happened. OK, thank you :)
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