I'm a bit confused
I have added two sensors to the OS network on sunday, using the feeder software.
When I look at the "my Sensors" on the OS webpage, they are listed as "-1408237544" and "-1408237543". But when I look at the "10-serial.conf" they are listed as "2886729752" and "2886720753"
The "my Sensors" section is showing "-1408237543"/"2886720753" as the 67th for the total qty of messages for the 13/02. But the sensor ranking is showing "90143" as 67th with a much lower msg quantity.
why do I see different serials for my nodes (negative/postive number) and why is the ranking showing different serials on the ranks listed for my sensors?
Is it a bug ? Or a feature ? Or am I just confused with all that numbers
