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Missing data

1 year 7 months ago #2498 by brinknr
Missing data was created by brinknr
Dear Opensky,

I have noticed that the flights table is not filled with data on a regular basis anymore. This is valid for July 2023 where almost half of the days is missing. Is there any specific reason, and will the data of the missing days be integrated soon?

1 year 7 months ago #2505 by strohmeier
Replied by strohmeier on topic Missing data
As a volunteer non-profit without any SLAs this will always happen. We are aware, it will be refilled. No ETA.
1 year 7 months ago #2506 by brinknr
Replied by brinknr on topic Missing data
I fully understand. Thanks for the support.

1 year 7 months ago #2511 by Herson
Replied by Herson on topic Missing data
Hi Norbert,

Your message refers to the flights table.  What is the exact table name or API end point you are referring to?

I had noticed today that new rows are still being added to the state_vectors_data4 table for the 29th July onwards. Worth monitoring as it can take a few days to catch-up.

Regards Richard Herson - Founder of www.AircraftTrafficSurvey.com , a Not-For-Profit organisation serving our UK communities.
1 year 7 months ago #2512 by brinknr
Replied by brinknr on topic Missing data
Hi Herson,

The name of the table is 'flights' and it contains data like , origin, destination departure/arrival time , we use the PyOpensky module, in which you can execute sql queries. We are not interested in state vectors, but only in flight data for a specific date.
We have noticed that almost half of the days in July, the query returns zero records, while other days it returns the 'normal' number of records.
1 year 7 months ago #2522 by Herson
Replied by Herson on topic Missing data
Data in the Impala state_vectors_data4 table now looks good for July and for the 1st few days in Aug'23. Catch-up appears complete.

Airport source and destination by flight API is back working.

Thanks all.

Richard - Founder of www.AircraftTrafficSurvey.com , a Not-For-Profit organisation serving our UK communities.
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