Good morning,
There appears to be an operational issue with the TRINO platform today. I'm getting the following error when running my usual SQL query.
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (trino.exceptions.TrinoExternalError) TrinoExternalError(type=EXTERNAL, name=HIVE_UNKNOWN_ERROR, message="Unable to execute HTTP request: Timeout waiting for connection from pool", query_id=20240612_080708_78666_jtdt5)
SQL: select time,icao24,lat,lon, velocity,heading,vertrate, callsign,onground,baroaltitude,geoaltitude,lastposupdate,lastcontact, hour ,'WINCHESTER-WEST' as area_of_record, format('%S',to_unixtime(date '2024-06-12' + interval '-31' day)) as vStartParameterCalc, format('%S',to_unixtime(date '2024-06-12' + interval '0' day)) as vEndParameterInput FROM state_vectors_data4 where lat between 51.06152 and 51.09048 and lon between -1.366071 and -1.320889 and hour between to_unixtime(date '2024-06-12' + interval '-31' day) and to_unixtime(date '2024-06-12' + interval '0' day) order by 14 desc limit all]
(Background on this error at:
Best regards.