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oolive/traffic - results in feet and knots...

4 years 9 months ago #1139 by ldk
After some trouble installing the traffic dependencies (seems to collide with other geos implementations), I got the traffic application running. Work very nice but I still have some questions.

Q1: In the documentation I find that all data is stored in meters (I as experienced with the OpenSky python API. Now I find that the opensky.history function returns the data in feet and knots. The traffic.conf doesn't mention any setting about metric output. Is there a way the force the opensky.history function to return metric output?

Q2: the resulting data seems a little dirty (querying summer of 2016 at this moment). The timestamp and the 'last postion' show that the position is updated at a lower frequency than the ADS-B message. Any suggestions on filtering these messages out? Is there an 'age of gps position' available?

Q3: to reduce the amount of data, it would be nice to query the data in a 10 second resolution only. Any options there?

Q4: since I want to calculate distance to dwellings, I need the data in a cartesian reference system. I am doing it in post-processing now, but retrieving the data in a predefined cartesian reference system would be nice. There seem to be some options there in the visualization functions (but I didn't dig in yet). Similar options at the level of the query?

4 years 9 months ago #1140 by xoolive
Replied by xoolive on topic oolive/traffic - results in feet and knots...

Q1: Indeed, ADSB broadcasts data in imperial units and opensky converts them to metric system. That's a choice, and it is a bit uncomfortable for ATM research to have metric system. The option is in the code in a static submethod, I just need to add it to opensky.history(). See status in github.com/xoolive/traffic/issues/83

Q2: Good point. The last_position column refers to that. You can use the Flight.handle_last_position() (not documented but it's there!) method to put NaN values where need be. Fliht.resample() automatically calls this method first. traffic-viz.github.io/traffic.core.flight.html

Q3: No method yet (and to be honest, I wouldn't use it...). But if you can write the proper SQL request, we can include the option. Pull requests open ;)

Q4: Not that I am aware of. Please tell me if you find a way.

If you have more questions, please post issues to the github page (it's faster for me to be aware of questions!), and questions would benefit fellow users.

4 years 9 months ago #1142 by ldk
Thanks for the quick reply. I will check the flight options. I think my post-processing will be a little bit to specific to include it in Traffic.
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