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Searching for dataset with accuracy indicator

4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #1191 by AircraftBear
Currently, I'm working on a project of flight path reconstruction using Kalman filter. The project involving python programming that prosses a historical flight database. At the current stage of my project, I'm using the historical flight database from this site. unfortunately, the OpenSky-Network database (Which I get from opensky-network.org/datasets/states/) doesn't provide ADS B data that complied with DO-260B, where the quality indicators (the NUC (Navigation Uncertainty Code) or NACp (Navigation Accuracy Code for Position) or NIC (Navigation Integrity Code) or SIL (Surveillance Integrity Level)) are also included. I need the quality indicators for inputting the measurement uncertainty parameter.

So my question is there a way to get the quality indicators value from OpenSky-Network?

Thanks in advance!
4 years 8 months ago #1192 by strohmeier

There is a way with access to our backend, where we save the non-decoded ADS-B messages, you can essentially decode whatever you need yourself. If you qualify, you can apply here: opensky-network.org/data/apply
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