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SQL query to split flights into tracks?

3 years 1 month ago #1723 by dkovar

I've loaded a day's worth of ADSB data into a SQL database to play with it. My current question is - how can I break a series of points for a specific aircraft up into tracks? At the moment, if I query for a given callsign or icao24 ID I get the entire day's worth of data, including time spent on the ground at an airport.

It seems like there should be a SQL query that looks at onground and the callsign to split this up but I cannot figure out what it looks like.

Thank you.

3 years 1 month ago #1724 by strohmeier
In the Impala database we do this for you, take a look at the flights table. The algorithm is described here: essd.copernicus.org/articles/13/357/2021/essd-13-357-2021.html
3 years 1 month ago #1725 by dkovar
Replied by dkovar on topic SQL query to split flights into tracks?

Thank you -very- much.

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