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Ability to assign nickname to reciever profiles

7 years 9 months ago #157 by simestd

For folks who have multiple receiver profiles, it would be nice if the operator could assign a meaningful name to each profile for sorting. For example, I would like to name receiver profile -1408237444 something like "PANC PiAware" or "home dump1090".
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #172 by meides

thank you for your feedback! :) This feature is currently already being implemented together with the upcoming public sensor profiles. These will allow you to share your profiles with your friends by sending them a link. As soon as the public profiles are released you will also be able to assign a nickname to each of your sensors!

7 years 2 months ago #321 by inkiiin
Hi , are there any news ?

regards :)
7 years 1 month ago #342 by meides
Hi inkiiin,

no news yet. As you probably noticed the receiver profiles were released some time last year, but we had to reschedule the receiver naming feature on short notice. It's a little less straight forward than one might think because we want names to be unique and suitable to be used as identifiers (in links, for example). But in that case all profile links would break if one would rename a receiver. Other requests included private names, which only the owner of an receiver is able to see, alongside public names, which are visible for everybody. There are many scenarios we have to take into account.
We have been receiving a lot of requests concerning the renaming feature and are trying our best to get it done as quickly as possible, but we also have to deal with other things first in order to keep everything secure, up and running.

As soon as there are any news I will post them here right away! :)

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