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Airspy with odroid XU4

5 years 7 months ago #828 by orion_jb2001
Hey all,

I have an Airspy setup on an Odroid XU4. Can I link up to opensky with this setup. Now the scripts I have used to set it up basically are using flightaware set up with a script added to make it work: a link to the relevant post:


some may have used the same. As there is not adsb-receiver directory added with this set up, I hope that just adding the script
wget opensky-network.org/files/firmware/opens...der_latest_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i opensky-feeder_latest_armhf.deb

may work as well on this setup. The script creator said you can add feeders onto his script, as long as it does not load any dump 1090 amendments to his set up, which are tweaked to make the airspy and odroid work together.
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