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Getting an impression on coverage near Airports

5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #843 by dfld
Hi all,

We are in contact with people wanting to improve coverage near some airports, so getting low altitude data.

To give those a good advice whether or not they should consider running a new receiver, I want to know how the coverage in that area is.

I checked opensky-network.org/network/facts but couldn't quite understand the legend of it (there is none). The page states darker colors indicate better coverage, and everywhere I expect good coverage (FRA/EDDF e.g.) there are no colors, just basemap visible. But the basemap is also visible in regions where I expect no coverage at all (central Australia, central africa).
To add to the confusion, the colors also change when changing zoom levels of the map.

I already found out that you segment the map into buckets and assign aircraft positions. I assume this is based on some threshold (undocumented?)

Can one of you give me an explanation on what the colors actually mean?
What is the altitude threshold below you add a position to the bucket?

Thank you and best regards
5 years 7 months ago #844 by strohmeier
Well, quite frankly, the 3D part of the map is not fit for that purpose. However, could you not use our API and collect & map just low altitude positions? As airport locations are also available you could easily identify those with good/bad coverage.
5 years 7 months ago #846 by dfld
ah okay, I'll do so using impala then. Anyway I'm curious what the '3D map' is good for then and what the represents actually. Can you give me a hint?
5 years 7 months ago #847 by strohmeier
I haven't made it, so I'm not privy to all of the details. ;) My interpretation has always been that basically wherever we have excellent ground coverage, the color is transparent. Of course, that is unfortunately the same as no coverage...but you can naturally figure out that if it's in the middle of higher altitude coverage, it's very likely the former case.
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