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Historic ADS-B data from military operations

5 years 3 months ago #971 by ldk
I am a noise exposure researcher. I am working on a method to calculate noise region-wide exposure maps based on ADS-B data. One of the main components of aircraft annoyance are military operations /exercises with jet fighters.
I visualized the tracks for two distinguished days but I see no tracks near the relevant military airport in Belgium.

I can understand the necessity of not including military operation in the system.
My questions are:

1. are military aircraft never using ADS-B broadcasts?
2. If using ADS-B on limited basis: Is there historical data stored/available?
3. Military aircrafts are visible in: webtrak.emsbk.com/ein -> is this data PSR/SSR radar of ADS-B based?

5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #972 by strohmeier
1. There's plenty of military aircraft with ADS-B but many don't have it. It depends on country and aircraft type. We did a (now obviously somewhat outdated) report here: opensky-network.org/files/publications/dasc17.pdf

2. Historical data is available just like for any other aircraft (i.e., ADS-B/Mode S).

3. I have no idea what they are doing, they don't seem to give away sources on their website. Could be PSR from the airports they work with or MLAT.
5 years 3 months ago #975 by ldk
Thanks for the fast answer.
I did a quick check on two days of data (download of states), selected the icao codes for the Belgian Airforce but only the A321 popped up in these datasets, no F16's.
Would it made a difference if I query the impala shell directly ?

5 years 3 months ago #978 by strohmeier
Do you know if they have ADS-B? If not, nothing will make a difference (well, we do have the Mode S data stored). If yes, did they fly on that day you looked at?
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