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From what height does opensky monitor?

3 years 11 months ago #1445 by o2bbizzy
From what height does opensky monitor? was created by o2bbizzy
Hello, I am new to this site but have learned a little by watching Monkey Werx on YT

II am Irish but I live in Cotes d'Armor and there are a lot of annoying small planes that take off close to us and then buzz around continuously all day. No one seems to know who they are - or where they take off from - I don't see them showing up on the opensky site. Does the site only monitor planes above a certain height? If so, can anyone suggest how I find out who has a small biplane and where they keep it and take off from? Local authorities plead ignorance - not unusual B)
3 years 11 months ago #1446 by strohmeier
OpenSky displays any ADS-B equipped plane in line-of-sight of a sensor. If a sensor's antenna has clear view of an airport, you would see it all the way to the ground. If you install your own sensor you would both see them locally and on OpenSky. If they are very small planes, they need not have ADS-B though, and their location would still not be visible.
3 years 11 months ago #1447 by jluebbe
Replied by jluebbe on topic From what height does opensky monitor?
If they are really close and you may be able to see the registration printed on the aircraft having a pattern like F-xxxx or G-xxxx. You may use that to look it up in some public databases (no guarantee it is listed there):

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