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Clarification regarding API Terms

3 years 1 month ago #1741 by baldoius
Hi all,

I am planning to integrate the route endpoint of the API into tar1090 as a pull request. (see discussion on github  here )
As far as I understand the terms, this would be allowed iff a reference to opensky is made. Can somebody confirm that?
As tar1090 might also be used by commercialized services (or services with ads, such as globe.adsbexchange.com/), route displaying wouldn't be activated by default but an option to be set explicitly by the user.

Thanks for clarification
3 years 1 month ago #1742 by strohmeier
Hi Baldoius,

Thanks for the question. I'm afraid this is not possible. This particular end point is not in the API documentation for a reason. It is purely for the OpenSky Explorer and for scientific use (e.g. our Covid datasets) as cleared with the numerous sources providing the data.
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